The Magdalene Awakening
traces the journey the author took to discover the meaning
of the reoccurring synchronicities of 444, the lily, and
more. The quest took her across the
world where she discovered the link between Mary Magdalene,
the Cathars and Gematria (secret encoded numeric messages
embedded in the Greek text by the authors of the New
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What Others Are
Saying about The Magdalene Awakening
Magdalene Awakening
has created something
that is very important, particularly for pilgrims who
are new to the path. This story is about having the
courage to listen to the messages that are being given
to you and having the perseverance to look as hard as
you have to in order to understand these gifts of
‘synchronicity’ that occur all around us. Shannon’s book
is full of the very best kind of magic and wonder
– the
authentic kind. The Magdalene Awakening is an
Kathleen McGowan, author
The Expected One
Shannon's beloved grandmother told her to follow the signs and
so she did. For over ten years she has paid attention to
synchronistic events, books she was guided to read, and a deluge
of 444 occurrences, all culminating in her deep conviction that
a dedicated group of Light Workers has returned to earth at this
momentous time to bring our heads and hearts into balance.
Shannon declares,
“This is the Age of Mary Magdalene, the symbol
of Divine Feminine.” This story touched me deeply.
Julia Ingram, NY Times Best Selling co-author of
The Messengers
and author of The Lost Sisterhood: The Return of Mary Magdalene,
The Mother Mary and Other Holy Women.
This book is the result of a deep and
profound quest for origins, meaning and healing,
written at a time when the human condition appears more
fractured from within than at any other time in history.
In writing The Magdalene
Andersen has successfully journeyed to that sacred space and has
“lifted the veil”
for her readers revealing the atrium of
immortality and enticing them to come and join her on her high
The smooth narrative style of the book weaves together a
magical journey through the author's quest for the true
Magdalene energy, the origins of the Cathars, the Gematria that
holds the sacred key, and in the end, a call for transformation.
This story is a page turner written by someone who knows, and
who allows her readers the rare opportunity to discover these
mysteries for themselves, but with the benefit of her company
and wisdom to help them on their path.
Maria Maddalena Colavito, Ph.D., author of
The Pythagorean Intertext in Ovid's Metamorphoses
The New Theogony: Mythology for the Real World
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